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Help Spread the Word About #ISAZ2023!
Conference Program
The program for ISAZ 2022: Anthrozoology in Translation is live! If you registered for the conference, you should receive an email soon directing you to visit Oxford Abstracts for the interactive program.
In the meantime, browse this PDF program. And if you haven't registered...what are you waiting for?
Join Us Next Week!
Will there be workshops?
Yes! As in previous years, we are also excited to offer a series of preconference workshops, as well as an Affective Café after the conference, facilitated by Prof. Samantha Hurn and the team at EASE. Click here to learn more about the workshop options, dates and times, and for registration details.
Thursday, July 7th (all times EDT)
10:00 - Conference Opens
10:30 - Keynote: Alexandra Horowitz, MA, PhD
11:45 - Symposium: Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) as a tool for assessing human-animal
interaction across contexts
15:00 - Conference "Speed Dating"
15:30 - Symposium: Advances in research methodology and practical utility of Equine Assisted
Therapies for youth
17:30 - Anthrozoology in Japan & Australia
17:30 - Student Mixer
Friday, July 8th (all times EDT)
9:00 - ISAZ 2023 Planning Discussion
10:00 - Keynote: Iván Sandoval-Cervantes, MSc, PhD
13:00 - Lunch with the ISAZ Fellows
14:00 - Poster Session Q&A
15:30 - Keynote: Suzanne Asha Stone, MSc
Saturday, July 9th (all times EDT)
9:00 - OnDemand Q&A
10:00 - Annual General Meeting
11:00 - Keynote: Michelle Rodrigues, MSc, PhD
12:15 - President's Address
12:30 - Early Career Award Presentation
13:30 - Emerging Trends & Research Highlighted Talks
15:15 - Symposium: Virtual Canine Comfort: Considerations and Findings Across Virtual
Canine-Assisted Interventions
17:00 - Awards Ceremony and Conference Closing
Conference Format
Oxford Abstracts & Creature Conferences
Oxford Abstracts will again host our conference, and Creature Conferences management will again provide our livestream support. We hope this consistency from the last two years inspires confidence in our conference programming. We are also in the process of organizing some terrific Zoom opportunities for socializing and networking, as well as to encourage those “hallway” conversations we often lose in the virtual environment.
Again, we appreciate your feedback. More details will follow as we move forward with our adjusted plans. Please email conferences@isaz.net if you have any questions.
Take care,
ISAZ 2022 Host Committee and ISAZ President