30th International Society for Anthrozoology
Conference (Virtual)
June 22-24, 2021
The International Society for Anthrozoology would like to welcome you to the 2021 virtual conference, which will be held June 22-24, 2021. The International Society for Anthrozoology was formed in 1991 as a supportive organization for the scientific and scholarly study of human-animal interactions. ISAZ is a non-profit, non-political organization with a worldwide, multi-disciplinary membership of students, scholars and interested professionals. We are excited to welcome scholars and members of the public around the world to our virtual event.
Conference Theme
The theme for ISAZ 2021 is “The changing nature of human-animal relationships: Theory, research and practice.” Whether we are talking about wildlife, farm animals, captively housed wild animals, or companion animals, humans’ attitudes toward, and relationships with, animals are constantly evolving. The conference will feature live symposia that the current state of research on human-animal relationships and the ways they have changed over time, which will be complemented by pre-recorded talks that address the theme and the broader field of anthrozoology.
Who should attend
The meeting brings together a broad range of researchers, corporate employees, animal charity workers and professionals working in fields relevant to anthrozoology, such as animal welfare, anthropology, ethology, history, medicine, psychology, sociology and veterinary medicine. We are excited to offer numerous opportunities to connect virtually in live time with other members of the field.